Fantastic and difficult question to answer! I’ve followed just about every media appearance Yang has made and decided to place him in the left-leaning progressives category based on his policy positions of medicare for all, regulations on social media companies, drug legalization, etc. He’s still to the right of leftists because he essentially wants to remodel capitalism with these policies (e.g. his UBI plan will replace welfare benefits instead of adding to them). He has a similar populist appeal as Bernie, so he attracts a certain demographic from the right as well, and the whole UBI policy platform is semi-libertarian, which also attracts them. So as for the Yang Gang, I think it’s a strong mix of everyone from leftists through the alt-right! He’s very meme-able, wants to get everyone $1000, plus Trump has become boring to the alt-right, so they’re into Yang now. But he’s also still a strong progressive candidate relatively on par with the Bernie crowd (although like I said, he’s more of a capitalist). What do you think?