Published inThoughts And IdeasThe Difference Between Liberals and LeftistsNothing fuels online discourse like fights over language. New terms will popularize in a subculture then trickle into the zeitgeist until…Nov 24, 20214Nov 24, 20214
Published inDialogue & DiscourseAddressing Common COVID-19 Vaccination ConcernsMany people who have been willingly vaccinated in the past are skeptical of the COVID-19 vaccines for a range of reasons — some…Aug 26, 20211Aug 26, 20211
The Difference Between Real Conspiracies And Conspiracy TheoriesCovert plots based in material reality, covert plots based in metaphysical reality, and the grey area in betweenNov 21, 2020Nov 21, 2020
Published inDialogue & DiscourseThe Psychology of Conspiracy TheoristsAn analysis of known factors that can influence people toward conspiracy theories and paranoiaOct 2, 20201Oct 2, 20201
Published inDialogue & DiscourseThe Moral Panic and Myths of Human TraffickingHow QAnon, Save The Children, and well-meaning people spread misinformation with bad statistics and vague termsSep 25, 20201Sep 25, 20201
Published inDialogue & DiscourseHow America Became The Land Of Conspiracy TheoriesA comprehensive mapping of paranoia, propaganda, moral panics, misinformation, and extremismSep 18, 20208Sep 18, 20208
Published inThe Startup2020 Is The Year Brands Take TikTokA look into what brands have done and can do on the new video platformJan 27, 2020Jan 27, 2020
Meet The Viral Icons Of TwitterHow a community of young joke writers became cult personalities and shared across the internetJan 2, 20202Jan 2, 20202
Published inDialogue & DiscourseThe Most Influential Political Identities From Left To RightAs time goes on, the blanket labels of “left” and “right” become less and less useful in the United States political spectrum. The…Apr 16, 20194Apr 16, 20194
The Extremely Online Glossary of Terms, Acronyms, Rules, and LawsThis goes out to all the ExtremelyOffline™ people. The normies. Those of you with brains that have not been melted by a lifetime of being…Mar 22, 20192Mar 22, 20192